The CALIGULA belongs also to the famous Show Clubs in Thessaloniki..
Opposite from BLUE IGUANA is the CALIGULA more a Club, than a Night Bar with a better Design, Lighting and Sound System.
The Stage is amazing, with good Space for dancing, 2 Pole`s and extra Platform in Peepshow Stile.
Opposite from BLUE IGUANA is the CALIGULA more a Club, than a Night Bar with a better Design, Lighting and Sound System.
The Stage is amazing, with good Space for dancing, 2 Pole`s and extra Platform in Peepshow Stile.
This makes of course the Stripshow`s much more interessting,
than a simple Wood Stage like BLUE IGUANA.
On the 10 OCTOBER 2009, was opening a new CALIGULA CLUB - DIAMONDS,
in the Monastiriou 20 str, Thessaloniki - Center.
For the 18. 11. 2009
than a simple Wood Stage like BLUE IGUANA.
On the 10 OCTOBER 2009, was opening a new CALIGULA CLUB - DIAMONDS,
in the Monastiriou 20 str, Thessaloniki - Center.
For the 18. 11. 2009
I start in DIAMONDS to working.
Because ..I need more a Show Club with a good Stage for my Performance and a modern Sound System.
Because ..I need more a Show Club with a good Stage for my Performance and a modern Sound System.
Also a Friend, from Mykonos - SHOWTIME, works in DIAMOND`s CALIGULA.
Dj-argie Kara (facebook)
Together we have good experiences in Shows and Club Sounds,
and he is in Greece and in the Area of Table Dance/Striptease and GoGo .. the Elite.
Also Showgirls, "well knowing" from Crete - DIAMOND & PEARLS.
The Clima and the Music in the Club belongs to Dance House - Progressive House - Electro - Tech House ... and the Girls are like to dancing on it :)
Dj-argie Kara (facebook)
Together we have good experiences in Shows and Club Sounds,
and he is in Greece and in the Area of Table Dance/Striptease and GoGo .. the Elite.
Also Showgirls, "well knowing" from Crete - DIAMOND & PEARLS.
The Clima and the Music in the Club belongs to Dance House - Progressive House - Electro - Tech House ... and the Girls are like to dancing on it :)
This makes the Night more like Party, with good feelings ...
than to sitting in a Club, with Music from the 80/90 wait- hoping, that some Costumers find the Way in it- like so many Strip Bars in Greece!!!
The DIAMONDS CALIGULA offers a Free Dance Ticket,
to find by